Thursday 29 April 2010

How Did It Come To This?

The sad and painful truth of it all is that when something breaks down, a relationship, a friendship, anything that meant something- it doesn't always end as you would like it to. The person who has spent so much time with you seems to have warped from the person you knew into some strange creature that acts like cruelty is the new way of life and any time spent trying to talk to you is time wasted. I mean that about your own self as well you know.

I always believed that I could and would act with grace and dignity but when the situation worsened it turns out that I was potentially that person. Turns out I could easily be as cruel. That being said I have been in many, many (ahem too many) situations that weren't exactly soul enhancing experiences, but never before has anything ended with such venom. I would like to put my hand on my heart and say that honestly I'm not bothered but the very fact of the matter is, we only act like fools and desperate fools at that when we really truly feel something. Maybe I'll look back and go 'oh well that's some consolation, I only acted like a ravenous harpy because I cared too much' but I doubt it.

When you're in the moment with someone you don't think that they could ever hurt you, you don't think that their feelings towards you will ever change but after learning the hard way I've realised that anyone could eventually leave. Though I do wonder why they needed to leave by slamming the door so hard into my face when all I was doing was hovering aimlessly in the doorway ('tis a metaphor- no doors were slammed. Well...ok they were but I demand an exit).

One very odd but quite possibly fantastic thing has come from today...after receiving crappy texts one, two and three I bullied The Fuzzy Duck* into a challenge of epic proportions. After much discussion Elegant Lady* decided to join us....and so I bring you not very excited or anticipatory folks........

The Alphabet Challenge. Oh yes. It has begun.

*I never said your pseudonyms would be good ones.