Wednesday 26 May 2010

Thirty Things I Have Done Since Last Blog

1. Forgotten to blog
2. Moved house
3. Discovered a new curry place
4. Forgotten to wish a friend happy birthday
5. Remembered to wish another friend happy birthday
6. Wistfully wandered
7. Discovered the existence of an old fashioned sweet shop in my town due to wistful wandering
8. Been mocked for liking comic books
9. Met with good friends who do not care that I like comic books for good beers
10. Wore my wellies to Cowpie Rally
11. For the first time in three years did not get sunburnt at Cowpie Rally
12. Had a small secret
13. Met with Bobanna for drinks in Guildford and re-discovered how excellent she is
14. Stank of wine in the morning
15. Came to the realisation that being a grown up isn't much fun some of the time
16. Fell out with a friend
17. Made up with same friend
18. Froze a nipple
19. Froze the other nipple
20. Gave a good friend a good surprise (thankfully!)
21. Got hit on by a rather good looking Henry VIII at same surprise
22. Learnt a painful truth
23. Congratulated a friend on something amazing
24. Made self painfully drunk on wine and danced like a fool in a new place
25. Clutched the bowl in my bedroom ever ever so tightly
26. Attended a chocolate making workshop with the worlds worst hangover
27. Saw a movie I didn't think I would like and liked it a lot
28. Booked a holiday
29. Panicked and cried at work
30. Had an ephiphany
31. Forgot to spellcheck ephiphany*

*so it's 31, so sue me**
** please don't- I'm in enough trouble as it is