Sunday 11 August 2013

Better Late Than Never

I apologise. I’ll tell you why though you know it already. I was doing so well, reinstating the  blog and making regular updates that clearly kept you oh so thrilled and then…. well I got a little slack. Life happened and both thumbs dropped off, I got kidnapped by pirates, aliens abducted me, I became queen of my own utopian dynasty. Ok life happened and I got lazy. I’m sorry because I did swear to you (my one loyal reader) that I would update next week and several weeks later here I am.
So please forgive me and allow me to update in style. Or because I don’t know how to update in style please allow me to share all the funness (is that even a word? Webster’s says no) and life happenings with you because sharing is caring after all.  
I last updated on the 14th April to brag a little bit and so I am going to brag a little bit more because a week later Huw and I got this little guy…

Haaaaaave you met Barney Stinson? Well no you haven’t because I am introducing you to him now. Barney is a Long-Haired Golden Syrian Hamster which essentially translates to sooooo cute and fluffy!!!!!!

I’ve owned a hamster exactly the same breed as Barney before, his name was Cookie and if I could demonstrate his personality by humanising him Cookie would have worn a top hat, maybe even a monocle and would have carried a walking cane swishing it dandily (is dandily a word? Webster’s says yes). If I could demonstrate Barney’s personality I am looking at a different character. I’m seeing a leather jacket wearing, cigarette smoking and motor bike riding type of person. Sort of like-
So far I have learnt that you can’t watch Top Gear or Fast and the Furious or leave the window open on busy days because Barney doesn’t like the sound of cars. He also cannot stand Annie Lennox. He will pretty much go for anything if it is made of leather and has taken tiny little hamster sized bites out of my bag and purse before I’ve noticed. He will chew for hours on his cage bars rather than gnaw at any of the hamster chew related products purchased for him and then he will wilfully dangle upside down from the suspension bridge. So far Barney has peed on the wall, chewed through several cushions and is determined to dig his way down the sofa. Plus monkey nuts are his crack cocaine. Boy will go crazy to get his paws on one of those things.
Frankly he is a bit hilarious to watch. Anyone that says hamsters don’t have personalities clearly has never owned a hamster and I double dare them to put anything leather near him and see how long it lasts.

The other news I guess is that I’m leaving my place of employment after 5 years. I was starting to feel so down and doubt myself about my ability to do anything remotely work related. Then I got a phone call from someone who had spotted me and mentioned a potential job opportunity for me. Long story short I interviewed and got a new job. I am being replaced by two people at my current work place so I feel vindicated that when I said I was busy I wasn’t just talking pants.
I feel a mixture of emotions. I’m sad that I am leaving a place where I have worked and enjoyed working for a long time with the knowledge that I will not work with some excellent colleagues again but I am also grateful that I have had the opportunity to meet those colleagues and do what I was able to do.
I’m also feeling that glorious feeling of excitement and nerves you get before you do anything new. It’s been a while since I’ve been the new girl and I’ve already got all those little voices in my head –not the scary kind- whispering all their doubts. Forget the butterflies in my stomach; I have great big bats flapping around in there. In fact sod the bats. I think I’ve got a case of Batman.

For a long time I haven’t been able to get round to reading anything and I've really missed it. Now I am fully ensconced in the Song of Ice and Fire series (aka Game of Thrones) and am trying to rein it in a bit because the series isn’t finished and I’m exceptionally greedy and want to have it all. I had a wonderful moment last weekend when I realised that I just couldn’t and wouldn’t put one of the books down until I had finished it and for the first time in a long time I sat reading until the sun came up and then went to bed when I finally closed the cover. That is the power of stories.

On that note I bid you adieu and will try and update next week, I might not have the powerful stories but I do like to tell them.
Squee Moment of the Week/ Moment for Others to Be Absolutely Terrified:-
I have booked my first driving lesson.

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