Sunday 28 August 2016

NaNoWriMo or Another Crazy Thing Gerry Wants To Do

This week I have started my prep for NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month). This is an event that I have never participated in before but am determined to complete this year. If you want to find out more info on what this is please click here. Had a look? Seems fun? Seems like something you want to join in on? Please do! I may need someone to sob alongside me.

Yes, this is yet another of those many things that I promised myself I was going to do and this does mean that I’ll be going ‘off-grid’ from a lot of (or all) social activities in November but you’ll have to be kind and leave me to it. I don’t necessarily want anything to come of this aside from the simple act of having done it.

I genuinely thought prepping in August was quite far in advance but as it turns out it really isn’t. Especially when the thought of writing 50,000 words of absolute festering tosh is a real possibility. Lots of people have already begun their prep and so I have decided to join them, being a little late to the party as usual, but at least not missing it.

I have a story idea that I am planning on using for a NaNoWriMo but it needs a ton more fleshing out and so the three areas that I’m having to give some focus on are:-

·         Characters
·         Setting
·         Plot

I’m hoping that the more deeply I delve into the characters and the setting the more nuances to the plot I’ll somehow unearth. At the moment I have disjointed ideas but no way of connecting them. It’s sort of feeling like dot-to-dot just without the number indicators.

First things first, I am starting this prep with characters.

There are a lot of very useful websites which provide suggestions or advice on how to create your characters and there are also a lot of websites which provide questions aimed at getting you to dig a bit deeper into your characters and make them appear real. Even if that character is a 7 foot, fire breathing lizard with 8 eyes and 4 arms. Somehow you need to connect that 7 foot reptile to your audience. By the way, this is not my main character. My main character Lizzie McLizardFace only has 6 eyes*

Some of my favourite websites I’ve been using for character creation are below:-

This website is a good leaping point. It suggests activities such as taking a Myers-Briggs test as your character, filling in a character questionnaire, focusing on the material objects that your character would own, building a scrapbook of their life and finding them a theme song.

Another website (which I can’t remember) actually suggested building a play list for your character or a mental book shelf for them. What are the songs they would listen to? What books would they read? You could probably even go as far as asking what items exist in their fridge. What do these things tell you about that character?

I did a random shuffle and these were the first five songs on my iPod:-

1.       Fold – Jose Gonzalez
2.       The Power of the Babe – Dave Bowie (from Labyrinth)
3.       Stellar – Incubus
4.       Gypsy – Fleetwood Mac              
5.       Good Luck – Basement Jaxx

The books on my bookshelf currently consist of a lot of ‘How to Write’ non-fiction stuff, books by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and Alice Hoffman, and then The Night Circus (by Erin Morgenstern), Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (by Susanna Clarke) and The Diary of Anne Frank. That’s to name a very select few.

My fridge contents contain an opened bottle of Prosecco, unopened/ unused vegetables and a lot of cheese. Not too sure what any of this says about me.

I have already done three Myers-Briggs tests, one as myself and then two as different characters. My profile for those of you who are interested is INFJ aka ‘The Advocate.’ I made Huw take one of these ages ago which he probably doesn’t remember! He came out as an ISTJ personality aka ‘The Logistician.’ Having read his profile I would say it’s actually pretty close.

If you are interested have a look at the INFJ here and see whether you think this is accurate based on what you know about me. I’d be interested in what you are if you take the test (here). See whether I think it is accurate based on what I know about you!

The below links are to some very detailed character questionnaires. Some of the questions do overlap but I found out of all the questionnaires I’ve found, I liked these ones the most:-

For funsies I also like to assign an alignment. This may be a conversation that I have had with you in Real Life™ as to what alignment we would be. Character alignment is based on Dungeons and Dragons and looks at an axis to determine where a character ‘fits’. This has been adopted by multiple fanbases, some alignments can be found here or if you just Google your favourite fanbase followed by ‘character alignment’ I can assure you that you will find something. Quite often the same character will crop up in different alignments and that’s the glory of viewer/ reader interpretation.

TvTropes does a wonderful job of explaining what each alignment means:-

I think I may be Neutral Good. Check it out.

I have clearly gotten link happy today. Now I am off to complete numerous questionnaires.

See you next week.

*this is a joke. Just in case any of you think I am going down the hard sci-fi/ Scientology route. Which I most certainly am not. Now I’m a bit worried that I’ve mentioned Scientology in my blog. For all I know the Scientologists could be reading this right now and are preparing to take me to their leader. I don’t want to meet Tom Cruise. I find him terrifying.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Gerry Reads and Reviews...Badly

So I am sat in my study (that will never get old) on a miserable and grey Sunday drinking a glass of Prosecco for no other reason than I can. Forewarning, this glass of Prosecco will probably turn into a few and as I am putting a solitary strawberry in the glass each time I am counting this as going towards my five a day. Don’t try and disagree with me. Your logic will not work here.

Out of the many, many, many (too many) things I decided I was going to do when I had finished my masters was pick up writing on this blog again. I say this with such increasing regularity that making up excuses as to why I haven’t written a blog post is more of a habit than actually writing a blog post.

Another of those many, many, many things I decided I was going to do was review the books that I read and so I thought ‘huzzah! I shall combine the two!’ My one reader will love that idea even if they don’t love the type of books I review. My one reader who shall remain anonymous. Thank you for always reading this Simon! Oh wait…erm…

So without much more preamble I wanted to get stuck in. Here goes. Apologies if this isn’t your thing but please feel free to press that little ‘x’ in the top right corner if it isn’t. In the spirit of full disclosure I wouldn’t want to read me drone on either. As a disclaimer I have never reviewed anything in my life aside from restaurants on Trip Advisor and so there are no guarantees that I have a slight clue as to what I am doing.

This book review focuses on books one and two in a trilogy. Had I known it was a trilogy before I purchased the books I probably wouldn’t have picked them up as I have now sworn off buying trilogies or book series until all remaining books are published. I’m looking at you George R.R Martin. You are the reason.

Unfortunately I thought I was buying a book and its sequel which is why I have picked up these two and so I have decided to review them both together in a sort of merged review. Why? Because I don’t have the time or inclination to review both separately. Sadly, they weren’t that good.

The books are:-

The blurb for Red Queen is this:-

This is a world divided by blood – red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.
That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.
But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart.

I’m not going to post the blurb for the Glass Sword as it goes right ahead and spoils the ending of the Red Queen. Well done publishers on that executive decision. Pretty much took out any suspense as to what was going to happen in the first book. Mare (our protagonist) goes and gets herself betrayed at court. The blurb for the second book pretty much tells you actually who does that by providing such gems as ‘she makes her escape from PERSON WHO HAS BETRAYED HER, OMG I BET YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING!!!’ and ‘pursued by ITS THAT PERSON AGAIN, YOU KNOW THE ONE THAT BETRAYS OUR PLUCKY HEROINE IN THE FIRST BOOK, WE HAD YOU FOOLED.’ Words in caps are all mine.

Goodreads have rated Red Queen as 4.10/ 5 and Glass Sword as 3.99/5 and I just can’t work out why they have scored so highly. But then as I keep telling people, never ever underestimate the power of the teenage girl demographic.

I wanted to like these books so badly for a number of reasons. Primarily I love Young Adult fiction. I have read some wonderfully written and intelligent YA books and I cannot stand when people knock it as a literary category. Looking up Young Adult books on Goodreads throws out examples such as Lord of the Flies (holy hell really?!), Howl’s Moving Castle and The Book Thief. Not that I’m reviewing The Book Thief but that is one book that made me sit in pensive silence after closing the final page.
But I digress. I also wanted to like this so badly because of my fondness of finding books which contain female heroines. Contrary to some vocal opinions out there, strong female characters in fiction (and YA fiction) is not an overwhelming statistic. If you want me to compile statistics on female protagonists versus male protagonists in literary fiction then so help me I will.

The fundamental issue with these books for me hinges on the point I have just mentioned. Strong female characters. Your protagonist is important. If they are good then you follow their journey, you have the need to experience their triumph and if they are bad (as in evil) then you follow their journey because you have the need to experience their downfall. The main problem for me is that Mare, our protagonist for these books is just so unlikeable.

Some adjectives that I would use to describe our heroine include selfish, self-indulgent and my favourite ‘special snowflake.’ As the books are written in first person narrative we can only see events unfold through the eyes of Mare and if your story is being told this way then I would say it is quite important that you care and empathise with the main character.

Whilst protagonists can be unlikeable at times or have characters flaws or perform actions that make you want to, well do this… should always be rooting for them. With this main character her entire story, her entire thought process is solely how the events within this world impact her and her alone. It is very much about her pain and her suffering but because she also hails herself to be pretty darned amazing the sympathy well for her starts to run a bit dry.

I hate to compare Mare against what I think is one of the ultimate YA fictional characters because I don’t always think comparisons are fair but in this case I feel it may be justified. Shout out goes to Katniss from The Hunger Games. She is an imperfect protagonist who also tends to suffer from self-indulgent stupidity and does at times within the narrative act like a self-entitled teenager but (and this is a big but) you do root for the girl. Katniss at her core is a good person with honest intentions who is out of her depth in the world she finds herself in. Whilst her actions may fall short of the mark they are done with the noblest of intentions and there is no hesitation on her part to sacrifice herself for those she loves. Mare? Well she sympathises with and has romantic overtures to a man that kills babies. I’ll get more onto that later.

So why do I feel that comparisons between Red Queen and its sequel against The Hunger Games are fair? Well that’s because Red Queen pretty much feels like a poor man’s version of The Hunger Games and other YA works. Here is my mini-checklist, apply it to whatever is appropriate:-

·         Young adult heroine fighting against a totalitarian society

·        Unique trait or ability that makes her special amongst her peers

·         Flawed character that doesn’t always do the right things but who tries to ‘follow her heart’

·         Love triangle that involves male childhood best friend

·         Lives in an impoverished part of society with a ‘them vs us’ set up

·         Has greatness suddenly thrust upon them whether they like it or not

·         This greatness has to play out in the public eye

·         Usually as the voice piece of a rebellion (this must be done reluctantly)

·         Oh by the way there is a rebellion to overthrow the previously mentioned totalitarian society

·         Remains painfully unobservant to key events happening around them

·         There is a solitary evil ruler

·         There is also a sibling, probably a younger sister who is filled with the purest of pureness and who is very much loved by the protagonist

·         The wise mentor who tries to aid the protagonist in her quest will make an appearance

·        There is also a kind and emotionally capable love interest who the protagonist tries to convince herself isn’t a love interest because the protagonist just can’t cope with the level of feels. If this were real life and one of your girlfriends were behaving this way you would literally be screaming in their face ‘Just marry him Claire!! For god’s sake he is heaven in a Henley!! If you won’t marry him then by the power of grey skull I damn well will!!’

·        Did I mention that the protagonist is a ‘key’ and ‘special’ player in the revolution above and aboard other players that have significantly more tactical and military experience?

·         There will be a popular nickname that is used instead of her real name. This becomes more and more commonplace until you start to forget what her actual name is.

·         Is there an arena? Or some kind of arena like location? A maze will also do.

In my humble opinion these two books are adhering to a tried and tested formula of what has previously been successful however while other books have some degree of originality (or lots) Red Queen and its sequel doesn’t, choosing instead to borrow from other, often better constructed, works.  

Not only do I feel these books fail with their main heroine being unsympathetic and also by being a ‘paint by numbers’ piece of YA fiction it is also massively let down by its supporting characters who have little to no personality development. The standard love triangle has been adapted into a love quadrangle. Yay. Yes, please imagine that yay to be the most sarcastic yay you have ever imagined complete with eye roll.

This quadrangle is between our female lead, two brothers (slightly tacky there Mare) and guess what? A childhood best friend. Did. Not. See. That. Coming. All involved in this quadrangle of romantic love have no real personalities to the point where I genuinely do not care if any of them get the girl. The only decent one is of course the one that she refuses to admit she wuvs. Though she does do the platonic teenage bed sharing thing with them that so often occurs in book two.

What concerns me quite massively is how Mare still pines towards one of the potential love interests all the way through to the end of book two. Possibly beyond but book three isn’t out yet. This is also one of the reasons that I grew to hate the main character during the sequel. The character she pines for is the one that betrays her during book one. Not with sexy sexy betrayal (is there even a thing?) but betrayal where he tries to murder her and multiple others, starts a war, begins to commit mass genocide against those who are different to him and then becomes the one responsible for ordering horrific incidents of torture and the deaths of babies.

I could be in the minority but I am pretty sure my feelings for such a person would take a back seat next to the atrocities they are committing. But no, Mare still pines away for him like a love sick teenager and I continue to pine away wanting to smack her round the head. With a brick.

As an aside, what is truly worrying is going on the internet and finding out that there are a lot of teenage girls who are actually in support of this Mare and mass murderer relationship. The levels of romanticising are beyond the pale. I have found comments such as ‘I fall for the dangerous bad boy so can totally see why Mare would’ and ‘I am feeling very very sorry for NAME OF BABY KILLER as it doesn’t seem like he is going to get the girl and I would really like him to get the girl. My fingers are crossed for NAME OF MURDERER WHO ACTIVELY TRIED TO KILL PROTAGONIST AND EVEN PAINFULLY BRANDED HER WITH HIS INITIAL AFTER SHE VIEWED THE HANGING CORPSE OF A CHILD HE ORDERED KILLED.’ Caps are again, mine. Obvs.

I mean who are these people?? Again, I digress.

Maybe they are able to romanticise this relationship because the way the villain is written is something straight out of panto. At times when I was reading this on the train I just wanted to yell out ‘he’s behind you!!’ In fact I would go back and re-read the books just to see if he is rubbing his hands with evil glee at any point. The problem is I only have one life and I don’t want to waste it re-reading these.

If your characters fail you, the story fails you and the romance fails you then at least sometimes you can say it was well written. Erm. Sadly in this case no. The author subscribes to the old ‘tell don’t show’ method of writing which sometimes has to occur but not for 99.9% of the writing. Instead of showing us Mare’s feelings we get gems such as ‘I am angry.’ ‘It made me feel sad.’ ‘I saw horrible things.’ I may also have skipped an entire section in the middle of the first book only to find I missed nothing at all.

The second book is much of the same as the first book, mass repetition and no subtlety except it starts to read like a poor man’s version of X-Men.  

I would like to say I wouldn’t read the third book in the trilogy but because I clearly subscribe to some level of masochism I probably will, only because I hate not finishing a book trilogy. But then to be honest I will probably just look it up on Wikipedia and find out what happens. Something which I could probably predict now.  

I’m going to give it 2 stars out of 5. One star because I actually finished reading them both and an additional star because it wasn’t a hard to read book.

If I were to be completely honest I’m going to go out and say that these books have been written to score a movie deal and is somehow managing to piggyback off of better material. Unfortunately it will probably do well as a movie because like I said earlier, never ever underestimate the power of the teenage girl demographic.
