Sunday 28 August 2016

NaNoWriMo or Another Crazy Thing Gerry Wants To Do

This week I have started my prep for NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month). This is an event that I have never participated in before but am determined to complete this year. If you want to find out more info on what this is please click here. Had a look? Seems fun? Seems like something you want to join in on? Please do! I may need someone to sob alongside me.

Yes, this is yet another of those many things that I promised myself I was going to do and this does mean that I’ll be going ‘off-grid’ from a lot of (or all) social activities in November but you’ll have to be kind and leave me to it. I don’t necessarily want anything to come of this aside from the simple act of having done it.

I genuinely thought prepping in August was quite far in advance but as it turns out it really isn’t. Especially when the thought of writing 50,000 words of absolute festering tosh is a real possibility. Lots of people have already begun their prep and so I have decided to join them, being a little late to the party as usual, but at least not missing it.

I have a story idea that I am planning on using for a NaNoWriMo but it needs a ton more fleshing out and so the three areas that I’m having to give some focus on are:-

·         Characters
·         Setting
·         Plot

I’m hoping that the more deeply I delve into the characters and the setting the more nuances to the plot I’ll somehow unearth. At the moment I have disjointed ideas but no way of connecting them. It’s sort of feeling like dot-to-dot just without the number indicators.

First things first, I am starting this prep with characters.

There are a lot of very useful websites which provide suggestions or advice on how to create your characters and there are also a lot of websites which provide questions aimed at getting you to dig a bit deeper into your characters and make them appear real. Even if that character is a 7 foot, fire breathing lizard with 8 eyes and 4 arms. Somehow you need to connect that 7 foot reptile to your audience. By the way, this is not my main character. My main character Lizzie McLizardFace only has 6 eyes*

Some of my favourite websites I’ve been using for character creation are below:-

This website is a good leaping point. It suggests activities such as taking a Myers-Briggs test as your character, filling in a character questionnaire, focusing on the material objects that your character would own, building a scrapbook of their life and finding them a theme song.

Another website (which I can’t remember) actually suggested building a play list for your character or a mental book shelf for them. What are the songs they would listen to? What books would they read? You could probably even go as far as asking what items exist in their fridge. What do these things tell you about that character?

I did a random shuffle and these were the first five songs on my iPod:-

1.       Fold – Jose Gonzalez
2.       The Power of the Babe – Dave Bowie (from Labyrinth)
3.       Stellar – Incubus
4.       Gypsy – Fleetwood Mac              
5.       Good Luck – Basement Jaxx

The books on my bookshelf currently consist of a lot of ‘How to Write’ non-fiction stuff, books by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and Alice Hoffman, and then The Night Circus (by Erin Morgenstern), Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (by Susanna Clarke) and The Diary of Anne Frank. That’s to name a very select few.

My fridge contents contain an opened bottle of Prosecco, unopened/ unused vegetables and a lot of cheese. Not too sure what any of this says about me.

I have already done three Myers-Briggs tests, one as myself and then two as different characters. My profile for those of you who are interested is INFJ aka ‘The Advocate.’ I made Huw take one of these ages ago which he probably doesn’t remember! He came out as an ISTJ personality aka ‘The Logistician.’ Having read his profile I would say it’s actually pretty close.

If you are interested have a look at the INFJ here and see whether you think this is accurate based on what you know about me. I’d be interested in what you are if you take the test (here). See whether I think it is accurate based on what I know about you!

The below links are to some very detailed character questionnaires. Some of the questions do overlap but I found out of all the questionnaires I’ve found, I liked these ones the most:-

For funsies I also like to assign an alignment. This may be a conversation that I have had with you in Real Life™ as to what alignment we would be. Character alignment is based on Dungeons and Dragons and looks at an axis to determine where a character ‘fits’. This has been adopted by multiple fanbases, some alignments can be found here or if you just Google your favourite fanbase followed by ‘character alignment’ I can assure you that you will find something. Quite often the same character will crop up in different alignments and that’s the glory of viewer/ reader interpretation.

TvTropes does a wonderful job of explaining what each alignment means:-

I think I may be Neutral Good. Check it out.

I have clearly gotten link happy today. Now I am off to complete numerous questionnaires.

See you next week.

*this is a joke. Just in case any of you think I am going down the hard sci-fi/ Scientology route. Which I most certainly am not. Now I’m a bit worried that I’ve mentioned Scientology in my blog. For all I know the Scientologists could be reading this right now and are preparing to take me to their leader. I don’t want to meet Tom Cruise. I find him terrifying.

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