Wednesday 23 June 2010

Drive-By Blog

If this seems like a rather hastily written and short blog thats because it is. Sorry.

I have my book of writing exercises in front of me and the next task is the Handbag Exercise. I am quite sad in that I am rather looking forward to this one-write down a list of six items to be found in a handbag without putting too much effort into what you're writing. Then construct a character, who would own the handbag and why are those things in there?

According to the writer of the task book you can tell a lot by a person by the contents of their bag and so you should be able to make up an entirely new person by what you find. It got me wondering, if I were a fictional character what would my (actual) bag say about me? Removing the rather obvious like phone, keys, purse etc.

So six random items:-

No less than 4 pens
No less than 3 lip products
Rescue Remedy
Two packets of painkillers

Oh dear. I've already got a mini-picture of this character and she's looking a bit neurotic if you ask me.

Here's my question then- what six random things do you pull out of your bag? What do they say about the character you're creating? Feel free to tell me and who knows maybe I'll get some inspiration from it.

(I'll update on 'D' soon I promise ;) )

Thursday 10 June 2010

The Wisdom That Could Not Be Imparted Because of Kodak

My mission to update this blog for my two, possibly three, loyal fans each week has thus far failed. Miserably. So I made myself a little list of tasks to do this evening and one of those was blog. Yes blog. Share with those who stumble upon my page the musings of a somewhat meandering mind and impart the wisdom that I have learnt each day since my last post.

However instead of the time lovingly crafting and editing a meaningful and worthwhile monologue on the joys of life and what I have done since I last spoke to the computer (last ever Lost, Comic Con, Guildford Cathedral Abseil, dinner with mildly crazed theatre peeps and my final liberation from Uber Stress) I instead spent 2 and half hours trying to download said Abseil photos from my camera onto the computer. Now having done that, I can not only be bothered to discuss the abseil but I can no longer be bothered to try and post pictures of the event either.

So with heartfelt sincerity and genuine emotion I can deliver the following...

F*** you Kodak EasyShare.

You are not easy nor do you share.

Many a person's life is now somewhat diminished because of you. I hope you sleep well tonight as tomorrow I unload you and use Camera and Scanner Wizard. Ha! Who gets the last laugh now??!!