Sunday 6 January 2013

First Week 2013

Hello all (or my one reader or whoever)! I hope your first week of 2013 has been gloriously productive or wonderfully relaxed whichever you were aiming for.

I want to brag a bit about my New Year's Eve because I very much enjoyed myself. I realised some time ago that I absolutely hated the type of New Years Eve where you spend 50 minutes in the cold waiting to get into some bar or club where, once in, you can't get a drink or hear what your friend's are saying to you.

I used to think I must have been quite boring not loving this way of seeing in the New Year until various Facebook statuses from people made me realise not a lot of other people like doing that either.

So, as something which is fast becoming a tradition, Huw and I have spent the past two New Year's Eves in a hotel. Last year we stayed at Beaumont Hotel, Winsor and this year we stayed at Macdonald Frimley Hall, Camberley.

I much preferred the Macdonald Frimley Hall. The hotel was only half an hour to get to from our house, was beautifully old with modern conveniences and the service was wonderful. When the staff said they would do something they would actually do it. So I saw in 2013 eating steak and brownie ice-cream following it up with champagne and truffles. I just really wanted to rub that in your faces.

I read something the other day, that instead of having New Year's resolutions every time something good happens you make a note of it and place it in a jar. Then, at the beginning of the next year you take all your notes and read what wonderful things you have done. I'm not going to keep a jar but I will be writing my happy things here so:-

Squee Moment of the Week: Has to be the aforementioned seeing in the New Year with my partner whilst consuming steak & champagne.

This week I also signed up to do an online NLP Practioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) course. Thank you Groupon for the discounted prices! Yes I may have discovered the joy of Groupon- please check it out it is rather wonderous (

I'm very much wanting to focus on my development this year and to try to keep my brain from rotting away so I've started what is a rather interesting course, I don't know if it will get me anywhere in particular but just for personal interest. If I come across any shareable nuggets of info I will include them here.

Next week is going to be quite full on for me so I feel like sharing the plans. Doing my usual montly induction but will be travelling up to Tipton in the West Midlands to provide another induction for an acquisition and then will be travelling to Wales to celebrate Huw's mums 60th. Hopefully I will remember where it is I need to be and when!

Have a good week all!

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