Sunday 30 December 2012

Happy New Year

I don’t know what I was doing this time last year so I am struggling to write a post that reflects on my year and how what I am doing today is different from what I was doing on 30th December 2011. I am also struggling to write, two days before the start of 2013, about whether I achieved any of those new year’s resolutions people keep banging on about from 2012. If I am honest I don’t think I made any.

Because I can’t remember anything of any importance I would like to suggest you partake in a quick quiz. If you get all the answers right you get a prize. So here goes:-


In February my partner and I moved in together, but who was I living with in 2011?

a)      Angry lesbian
      b)      Drunken slutty nurse
c)      Patronising housemate with a severe weight problem
d)     All of the above


Whilst working on a massive project at work , I felt so stressed that I felt I could have vomited where?

a)      In the waste bin
      b)      On the printer
      c)      On my colleagues
d)     All of the above


In September my partner and I went on holiday to Hawaii. What happened?

a)      We had a fantastic time
b)      I got sun burnt in stupid places
c)      No romantic proposal
d)     All of the above


During 2012 I got asked:-

a)      Why I didn’t have children yet
b)      When was I going to have children
c)      Do I not have children because I don’t like them
d)     All of the above


I got nowhere saving money for what?

a)      Masters degree
b)      House deposit
c)      Eye surgery
d)     All of the above


This year was made more wonderful because of whom?

a)      Some of my wonderful work colleagues
b)      All of my fantastic friends
c)      My long suffering partner
d)     All of the above

I have actually had quite a good (albeit busy) year; I have learnt a lot and gained a lot more. I personally feel that even if you haven’t ticked everything off your to-do lists or even if life has thrown curve balls your way than it is still a good year if you believe it to be.

I have a mental list of what I would like to achieve for 2013 (learn to drive, go on holiday, write more fiction, start my masters, get eye surgery etc) but I am aware that I may not be able to achieve them all (or any depending on how things go!) but I like to have a project list on the go just to make myself feel that I am working towards something.

Time will only tell if I achieve these things by the end of 2013 but if I don’t as long as I feel like I have had a good year than that is all that matters.

This is my last post of 2012, I hope you all have a fantastic start to 2013 and enjoy whatever it is you are doing for New Year’s Eve.

There is a saying that one picture is worth 1000 words. I struggled to find one picture that summed up my year so I chose a few pictures from a massive selection and have included them below as a collage.

Wishing you all happiness and health!

P.S. If you answered all of the above to the quiz then you are right. Well done. I bet that was so difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Quiz was easy... Way too easy. Happy 13 to you Pidge.
