Sunday 17 February 2013

Little Life Journey

This week I have been kissed by the Angel of Computer Death. So far my home laptop has been behaving like a spoilt child but at least it's alive and functioning semi-well. My work laptop however appears to be going a different way as it's looking more and more like an an old horse that needs to be put down and turned into a Tesco lasagne. No? Too soon?

After a two hour warm up time on Thursday it died a death on Friday, was given the IT kiss of life and a spanking new upgrade and then...died again for real five minutes later. I am not the most patient of people but I'm sure you will be delighted to know that I refrained from smashing it into teeny tiny pieces and dancing on its grave.

Anyhow, rant about machines over. I did write a few more paragraphs following that one ranting about how you should and shouldn't send an email but I got bored writing it so assumed people would get bored reading it.

What I do want to mention is something that was said this week as part of anonymous feedback for a work event but first, let me take you back. My first ever job was working at a dry cleaners when I was 17. I did this because I was at sixth form college and needed the money to get to and fro each day and to also pay for any books needed. Even at that age it was very much a case with my parents that if I wanted to do something than I better pay for it myself. Which I did.

Then I decided I wanted to travel before university and because the dry cleaners couldn't get me the hours I quit and worked for Woolworths. During my Woolworth's experience I worked the clothes section, the toy section and the sweet section. I can tell you stories about the pic 'n' mix that would make your toes curl. This I did, and enjoyed, until I took my pennies and travelled for three months. After that I left home aged 19 and went to university.

During my time at uni, for those who know me and those who have seen the pictures, know that I partied hard. Also during this time I worked hard. I had a work placement in a school for children with physical disabilities, took part in the School Association Scheme, was selected to work for the Mind charity before the voluntary scheme folded, mentored three GCSE students and volunteered as a youth support worker. In holiday's I was a temp washing dishes and serving posh people drinks.

After university I have had three roles in two companies. During this entire time I have signed myself up to two online courses with the Open University, several online courses via the company I am currently with, adult learning classes in the local education centre, a NLP Home Study course and am currently in the process of applying for my Masters degree. All whilst working full time.

Now everyone is different, I get that. The reason why this particular bit of feedback stuck in my mind is because I enjoy learning. It doesn't even need to be beneficial to your career. If you have seen the pieces of 'pottery' that I have made after that particular adult learning course you will understand that it wasn't a benefit to anyone at all. I enjoy learning and it appears that I am starting to make a career out of it. So the feedback said this:-

Provide incentives for us to go on training courses. This can be money or gifts.

I won't say much more other than the company we work for will pay for people to go on courses or will pay towards it if it has a career benefit. So if there is training or learning that is relevant to that person they will get it for free. Let me say that again. They will get to attend free courses that will benefit them whilst we pay them to work for us.

Like I said everyone is different but I wanted to share my little life and learning journey with you because you can imagine the look on mine and two of my colleagues faces when we came across that particular note.

What's the saying again? Never look a gift horse in the mouth? Well clearly the horse that person was looking at was inbetween two buns and a piece of lettuce. No? Still too soon?

Squee Moment of the Week:-

This is what I found on Valentine's Day in my freezer. If you know me you know this is a very very very very good thing!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, how I miss trying to clean the ants out of the allsorts, they were so hard to spot!
