Sunday 3 March 2013

Zombie Nation

This week has been the week of epic fails. Ok well not epic but maybe fails. Statistically this week I managed to achieve 1 out of 10 things I was supposed to do. Though that one thing I did achieve has a 'yay' factor. Drum roll please....

Disneyland Paris is booked! Yayayayayayayayayayay! Feel free to go to their website (here) to peruse and pretend that you are me in two weeks time, running around the place like a five year old out of their mind on old school blue smarties. It's for my birthday you see and I have never felt so excited about turning 28. Well, when I put that number into writing my excitement dims a little.

Something I read once about my star sign claims that I am the perpetual child, I told my mum this and she quite agreed though I don't think it is anything to do with my star sign just a side effect of my glorious (hehehe yeah) personality.

I didn't update this last week so my apologies, I can't say that I had anything better to do but did manage to get in a little road trip. The company I work for has research offices in Cambridge and last week I headed up there to deliver a bit of training. I'm getting used to this training and presenting lark and in the past few years have delivered to all walks of life but I found nothing more intimidating than the idea of presenting to Scientists who will one day cure cancer (probably), especially as all I could think about was that their presenter can't really do her 8 times tables in her head.

Cambridge, as brief as I saw it, was lovely and the offices where I went were brilliant. I am clearly easily swayed by chrome and glass but the building was just so shiny. I got an office tour and one of rooms we walked past was the Biomedical Laboratory. It's a room for the elite and as I didn't have clearance I wasn't allowed in but I enthusiastically pressed my body against the glass, stared at the yellow uber-hazard bin and passionately whispered 'this is where zombies are made' whilst having flashbacks to 28 Days Later. Of course I didn't actually do that but sadly it's not 100% off what I nattered to the tour giver about. I don't know if I'll be invited back...

That then oddly tied in with a weird conversation I had this week. The Zombie Apocalypse. When faced with one of these-

-Who would win? Huw or me? The debate raged (and I really mean raged) for an hour and a half. If I'm honest and I really didn't want to be at the time I think Huw might win. He is stronger, fitter, faster and dare I say more ruthless. I tried my best to convince him that in the event of The Zombie Apocalypse I would be leaving him to eat my dust whilst some Zombie's chowed down on Huw a la dente but let's face it, I have trouble walking up the stairs at work. They most definitely would be having fillet of Gerry.

The one thing that came out of the debate was how my pottery could finally be useful. I made two vases that would successfully crack a skull like an egg, and as I demonstrated during the week you can just fit them over your hands and wear them like vase-mitts. Then if you swing like crazy for five minutes you would be able to achieve a small but important Zombie kill count. Then whilst you take an exhausted break because those things weigh a friggin ton one of the Zombies would get you from behind. Ok, let me re-think this and get back to you.

Squee Moment of the Week:-

My trek to and from Cambridge was absolutely heinous thanks to being a non-driver and so I had to trek with everything through London on two trains and two tubes. I would never commute through the City as people that do so are in fact, soulless. I can see it in their eyes. However after lugging computer and bags and self for days on end a nice tall gentleman saw my shoulders sag at the thought of climbing up a long flight of stairs and did a nice job of carrying it all for me despite having his own stuff. We joked about my lack of Popeye muscles and how he wouldn't steal my bag because ladies clothes aren't his thing. It's squee because I had already been sworn at once on the tube and was starting to think that nice people do not travel into the City when a small act of kindness at the end of the day by a complete stranger really cheered me up. Nice randoms exist. So Mr. Tall Guy With Glasses and More Muscles Than Me Who Will Also Probably Survive the Zombie Outbreak- thank you. This week's squee is for you!

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