Saturday 3 July 2010

Gerrypendance Day and Drunk Dodgeball



I like to think that you know who you are and I really hope you do because 'thanks' isn't really a good enough word to express anything that needs to be said. If you're reading this and thinking 'is she meaning me?' and I am and you didn't know than that is an epic shortcoming on my part.

But thanks. I very much mean that. Much.

Ahem. So sentiment over here is my lil' blog on the 18th June, aka Gerrypendance Day.

An end came to pass on the 17th June with the tenancy finally over on Flat 10 and my (rather overdue) half of the rent having been paid so that everything managed to get wrapped up and I personally felt a heck of a lot better from it. Ages ago I knew that I would be upset by the 17th, one door closing and all that but I knew that it wasn't the 17th I wanted to remember.

When one door closes another one opens and so on the 18th June I decided that I wanted my nearest and dearest to celebrate Gerrypendance Day with me. The day in which a brand new beginning would start.

After much cajoling we (the ladies) agreed that we would let the boys watch their beloved football game (something about England and the World Cup- I dunno) and so we started off in Old Orleans. When I arrived, fashionably late, Tonto, Bon Bon and The Fuzzy Duck were zoned out like dribbling fools in front of the tv screen. Fuzzy Duck having made the monumental decision to drink for the first time in ten years or so was sat beer in hand. Half a beer in an hour and a half. So far so, well, fail.

The ladies, Heterosexual Life Partner (thereafter known as HLP), Elegant Lady, Iced Gems and Bionica arrived along with Mr. Elegant Lady and so in the words of Pink, we got the party started.

For a while the party did consist of football and drooling but we soon got cracking on the shots and boy did we get cracking. To his credit Fuzzy Duck managed to get a few more beers in him and also a shot or two. Personally no one would have done the weird tabasco shot that was foisted upon him but after one (and another) exceptionally wonderful and pert bribe the shots were gone. Success.

We managed to get down to Divas, the area's local gay bar, without whinging (much). After watching two nubile young lesbians bounce up and down the dance floor we joined in aside from the Fuzzy Duck who by this point was vacantly staring at the ceiling. So far so good. I do believe a few unleashed the inner gay person within and managed to enjoy themselves despite the worry that every single person in that place would crack a move. If only that happened every time we left the house. Sigh.

Getting to the area where we were going to engage in our next monumental task 'Drunk Dodgeball' was more of an effort for me than anyone else I swear it. Fuzzy Duck drunk involves lots of random walking off the pavement into the oncoming traffic, star gazing, drifting over to shop windows when no one is watching to stare at the shop lights and plenty of random farting.

I would just like to point out that he did make it to the final destination intact. Yay me.

Drunk Dodgeball, and finding the exact area to play the game is a skill. Perfectly a dead end road near me was completely empty and we could use the road line as the game divider. On reflection we were pretty lucky we didn't break any of the nice and shiny shop windows I saw the next morning when I walked through.

I honestly couldn't tell you who was on whose team, or who won. What I can tell you is that Fuzzy Duck and Tonto acted like they were Rambo and there is a very strong chance that Iced Gems is in fact Rambo. The woman is like Terminator in the Drunk Dodgeball world. It got to the point where we decided that the best fun was the kind where you try and smack as many balls into the face and body of your loved ones as you can.

We were joined by three randoms, Nameless Chick, Gregg and Lillicrap. I swear the last one is not made up. After hours of the drunken, random and oddy sore fun we swanned our way to the kebab shop and were home in time to hear the morning birds wake.

I'm not successfully conveying it all, but it was a great night.

Here's hoping for another very soon!

The Drunk Dodgeball Team

1 comment:

  1. Your pseudonyms for your fellow Dodgeballians had me in stitches, with the exception of one... Brilliant summary of what was clearly a brilliant night out.
