Sunday 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas!!

This post does what it says on the tin...wishes you a Merry Christmas!

I've had a week off from work and am prepping myself for next week which I also have off so it's not been much of a bad life for me. I may need to add some elastic to my jeans mind as 6 lunches this week have definitley taken their toll on my waistline but I've refrained from eaten all the chocolates which is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.

I won't be writing much more but would like to impart on you to have a Merry Christmas with all your loved ones; that you drink, eat, laugh and be happy and healthy.

Please also enjoy the Christmas Guinea Pig, nature's most adorable rodent looking festive. Not my own piggie unfortunately as Wilbur would never sit still enough for you to place baubles around her in a decorative way. If I could it would be considered the biggest Christmas miracle.

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