Sunday 2 December 2012

Sudden Happy Realisation

So I was standing in my kitchen commiting the rather exciting act of boiling water for my pasta when suddenly a spark of a memory whizzed through my brain and I went 'dear god I have a blog'.

As you can probably tell from the date of my last post it has been a very long time since I have written on this site, two years and four months long in fact, and the reasons I can give for this shocking delay are:-

1) I forgot I had a blog
2) I got absolutely shockingly shite at updating this blog
3) I was unbelievably epically busy with such exciting stuff that I had no time to update this blog I wasn't doing anything of any remote interest that anyone other than myself would be bothered to read about

Ah but I may have lied on that last one. I think I have been epically busy with thrilling life events because in two years and four months I can't still be standing in the same place as I was in August 2010 and if I were I would be entering a state of panic.

In fact it's quite nice to re-discover this again and to refresh myself on what I was doing once upon a time and to re-cap on what I have been up to in the interim. So poor dear reader I am going to re-cap to you two years worth of life but try to do it in the most painless way possible.

Here it goes...

Work. Same company. Different role. Two different roles. Human resources. Challenges. People hate HR. Go figure. At risk of redundancy. Project work. So stressed I think I'm going to be sick in the bin. Change management delivery. Live in Poland. Come back from Poland. Interview. Got new role. Say goodbye to friends & colleagues. Cry. Alphabet Challenge. Being Robin Hood. Miss Polly Rae's bottom. Pretty good with a shotgun. Fringe Festival in Edinburgh. Won't ever forget it. Floatation tank really not for me. Gone Ape. Trotting along on Shane. Watching face cheeks flap around in Indoor skydiving. The Mayfair to Plymouth. Human hamster rolling down a hill. Over half way. Several births. Laugh. A few deaths. Cry. Lose friends. Gain friends. Comprehend the true meaning of friendship. Travel to Machynlleth. Bath. Bristol. Poznan. Torun. Pila. Glasgow. Barcelona. Hawaii. Start something that will last. Move house. Once. Twice. Discover Mary Berry. Comes to terms with the fact I will never be a domesticated woman. Never attempt chilli con carne again. Felt sad. Felt confused. Felt lost. Felt lonely. Felt angry. Felt bitter. Felt hopeful. Felt relaxed. Felt content. Felt happy. Remembered a blog. Wrote it all down.

Obviously life stuff is going to happen in two years but summing it up in less than 200 hundred words is pretty comprehensive and painless no?

This is my New Year's Resolution come early...I will be updating this regularly. I have a filofax now (I'm still holding on to the 80's, ipads pfsssh) and so any thing that gets added into my 'projects' list gets completed and I assure you this will be going on my list.

On that note I best take the pasta off the shove before it boils ov...oh never mind. Did I mention I came to terms with the fact I'll never be a domesticated woman??

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